“A meditation on life, consciousness and letting go, in the form of a book you can't stop reading.”
Monica Rector, professor emeritus of literature, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
See what readers from science, literature and martial arts are saying.
This is the story of a young woman raised in the mountains of Wudang, China, a sacred place for kung fu and Daoism, who moved to California to become a professional fighter. For as long as she can remember, Yinyin heard she was poised to become part of something big. Then it happened. She was invited to join a scientific experiment that would allow her to connect her brain to others and become so powerful, she would become unbeatable. Though it would also require her to allow others to have access to family secrets she has sworn to protect.
All the opportunities to meet the author and get your signed copy
10/18 6:30-8:00 PM, New York Public Library 53 Branch, NYC (details)
10/20 5:30-7:30 PM Diane’s Books, Greenwich, CT (details)
10/25 5:00-7:00 PM Book Passage, San Francisco, CA (details)
10/28 11:00-3:00 PM Harrison Public Library - Harrison, NY (details)
11/4 1:00-3:00 PM Bank Square Books, Mystic, CT (details)
11/4 6:00 PM Breakwater Books Guilford, CT (details)
11/5 3:00 PM Norwalk Public Library - Norwalk, CT (details)
11/10 6:00 PM Barnes & Noble - Westport, CT (details)
1/22 7:00 PM Scarsdale Public Library - Scarsdale, NY (details)
Aaaand, we’re live!
Here’s a trailer you can watch to warm up, as you wait for your book to get delivered.

The full opening of The Girl from Wudang, now available as a hypnotic prototype for an AI-Generated Visual Book.

Martial arts, writing, business, family, and a bit more.

DR. PERRY LAMBRECHTS, Neuroscientist
One of the protagonists of the story, brought to life through the magic of Artificial Intelligence.
Meet the Brainternet.
Meet the Brainternet.

On Youtube
The Tigress and The Bees
A fable of yang and yin.
Plus: trailers, readings, speeches, trips and more exclusive content.
The Girl from Wudang will be released in the fall 2023 by the leading publisher of English-language books about the arts, language and cultures of Asia.

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“From neuroscience to nanotechnology. Traditional martial arts to cage fighting. Artificial intelligence to qi. It was the craziest research I’ve ever done for any of my books.”